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Stained Glass Windows


All of the windows share wood tracery framing topped with trefoil design, stone sash, and arched stone lintel.  These stained glass trefoil design windows are notable for significant use of art glass in floral patterns to complement the stained glass religious scenes.  Intricate art glass forms of multicolored flowers and stems sit on a background of mottled green glass grid work. 

Lower Floral Pattern.jpg


North Facing

Facing 15th Street
Facing the Rectory
East Windows
Facing 15th Street
Above each window appears a unique symbol
West Windows
Facing the Rectory
Alpha and the Omega
Dove with Flower
IHS Chalis
Crown and Cross
Main Altar
The Annunciation
The Nativity of Our Lord
Bishop's Hat
The Holy Family
St. Michael the Archangel and the Guardi
Jesus With Children
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Our Lady of the Rosary with St. Dominic
The Ascension of Our Lord
Our Lady of the Lourdes with St. Bernade
Agony in the Garden
Choir Loft Windows
Papal Hat
Jesus East Choir Loft Window
Mary Choir Loft Window
West facing choir loft window.
East facing choir loft window
Jesus West Choir Loft.JPG

Niagara Heritage of Hope and Service

Home of Historic Holy Trinity

1419 Falls Street

Niagara Falls, New York 14303

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Phone: 716-299-0799

Niagara Heritage of Hope and Service, Inc., Home of Historic Holy Trinity is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.   

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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